Project Description

This project showcases the development of a robust reverse auction API using the Django Rest Framework (DRF). Its primary objective was to facilitate the purchase of cars, where a "Buyer" initiates an auction and invites dealers to submit their bids. The system encompasses four key roles: dealers (sellers), customers (buyers), administrators (for system maintenance), and super administrators (with access to comprehensive statistics).

Key Technologies:

  • Docker: Employed for efficient containerization and streamlined deployment processes.
  • Django: Leveraged as a high-level Python Web framework for rapid and scalable development.
  • django-filter: Integrated to enable advanced filtering capabilities for querysets.
  • Django Rest Framework (DRF): Utilized to construct the powerful API for seamless communication.
  • Pillow: Integrated for robust image processing functionalities.
  • django-crontab: Employed to schedule automated jobs within the system.
  • zeep: Utilized as a high-performance SOAP client for efficient communication.
  • django-cors-headers: Incorporated to handle server headers necessary for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
  • coreapi: Integrated for a flexible and user-friendly browsable API.
  • pygments: Employed for syntax highlighting purposes.
  • markdown: Utilized to render Markdown text within the system.
  • lxml: Integrated for efficient processing of XML and HTML in Python.
  • gevent: Utilized as a coroutine-based networking library to enhance performance.
  • gunicorn: Employed as a Python WSGI HTTP Server for reliable and scalable deployment.
  • psycopg2: Integrated as the PostgreSQL database adapter for seamless database connectivity.

Project Details


Project Date:

November 16, 2018